Monday, May 31, 2010

Lest We Forget

Today is Memorial Day. That means that it is officially summer! It is currently 86° and sunny—perfect weather for the picnics and pool parties being held on this national day off. Of course, I am at the office today… go figure.

Very appropriately, I just finished cataloging several books on WWII. As I flip through them, glancing at the pictures, all I can see are the faces. Men, women, children… innocence, evil, determination… every aspect of humanity stares back at me from the black and white pages. They had Pearl Harbor; we have September 11.

Patton said that war is hell. Anybody who has ever experienced it, even second-hand, as I have, has to agree. It used to be swords and horses, now it’s missiles and planes, but the devastation is the same. Those who endure it deserve our honor and respect. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends,” and we must never forget such a sacrifice.

If you see a military veteran, thank them. Even the elderly gentleman selling poppies outside of Walmart—they are our nation’s greatest treasure. Billie didn’t come back, and Jae wants to go back again… Every time I hear a jet or heliocopter, or see a tank on a town common, I pray for our military. They're just as human as the rest of us.

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