Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Grateful Month

In my experience, November is a dreary month. The days become shorter, workloads become heavier and the impending holidays begin to build stress before they even arrive. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who feels this way in November. This year, I decided to tackle the problem via Twitter: each day I had to post one thing for which I was grateful.

If you follow my Twitter (and occasionally, my Facebook) profile, you probably noticed what I was doing. Some days, it was hard to choose only one thing to appreciate—from my salvation to a sunset, the whole world can seem to be a personal gift just for me sometimes. Other days, of course, it was very difficult to find anything that I enjoyed.

Thankfully, November is almost over and we’re hurtling toward Christmas. My holiday decorations are up and my thankfulness exercise is over. Maybe I’ll do it again next year; maybe you’ll want to try it, too. So here (largely intact) is the complete list of my tweets. I hope you get as much encouragement out of reading them as I did writing them!

This month I was grateful for…
  1. a great orthopedic specialist
  2. the right to vote... something I wouldn't have been allowed to do 100 years ago!
  3. Mountain Dew's caffeinated goodness
  4. my iPod. It makes cleaning so much more enjoyable!
  5. PowerPoint
  6. Fernando!
  7. sunshine
  8. psalms, hymns and spiritual songs (Eph. 5:19)
  9. whoever invented the caramel macchiato
  10. my awesome girl friends who are totally there for me when I need them <3 you ladies!
  11. our veterans and all my friends who are protecting our country--thanks for doing what I could not!
  12. the Pittsburgh Penguins
  13. my awesome, Gospel-preaching church!
  14. Christmas music
  15. fire drills
  16. a hair stylist who actually knows what she's doing for a change!
  17. my boss's sense of humor ;)
  18. Burn Notice with the boys
  19. online shopping... getting everything set for Christmas!
  20. Saturday mornings when I can sleep in
  21. books--I would be lost without them!
  22. my new winter coat
  23. beautiful sunsets, especially that particularly gorgeous shade of pink
  24. the bagpipes in my soul, even if they do occasionally bring tears to my eyes
  25. my crazy messed up family... it's how I know I belong ;)
  26. endless salad and breadsticks at Olive Garden
  27. SNOW
  28. being able to sleep in my own bed tonight
  29. jazzzzzz
  30. all you wonderful readers of my blog! Especially those of you who give me feedback :)

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